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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a4c5e3145cb8932c05f7fe9ec4901f21 SUMMARY:Joey Canoeing Fun Morning DTSTAMP:20231201T220000Z DTSTART:20231201T220000Z DTEND:20231202T013000Z DESCRIPTION:The State Water Activities Centre (SWASH) is running a Joey canoeing fun morning for Joeys to learn about and experience canoeing whilst working on their OAS. One parent or Caregiver is encouraged to participate in the activity with their joey. If you have any questions\, please email swash@nsw.scouts.com.au For more info\, go to: https://events.nsw.scouts.com.au/event/1306 LOCATION:SWASH\, 73 The Point Rd\, Woolwich NSW 2110\, Australia END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR