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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b932ed1eb501f2da3a53fe5c11e530e3 SUMMARY:Intro to bushwalking day 2 - Day hike DTSTAMP:20240907T230000Z DTSTART:20240907T230000Z DTEND:20240908T060000Z DESCRIPTION:One of the most scenic bushwalks in the Blue Mountains. Intro to bushwalking - Day 2 - Navigation day hike.\nSuitable for Scouts & older.\nNavigation challenges using map\, compass\, GPS.\nHone your navigation skills\, building on learning from Day 1. For more info\, go to: https://events.nsw.scouts.com.au/event/1834 LOCATION:Mount Hay Rd\, Leura\, Lockley's Pylon Trailhead\, Mount Hay Rd\, Leura END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR