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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4aa5e5829d95dabfcf4db35f584b36fb SUMMARY:Boree Regatta DTSTAMP:20241018T040000Z DTSTART:20241018T040000Z DTEND:20241020T050000Z DESCRIPTION:Boree Regatta is a fun weekend for both Girl Guides (from Southern Sydney Rivers Region) and Scouts (from the South Metropolitan Region) to participate in both water and land activities at Bonna Pt Kurnell For more info\, go to: https://events.nsw.scouts.com.au/event/1894 LOCATION:Bonna Point\, Western end of Prince Charles Parade Kurnell END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR