BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:6f634c3973caa4ad327d15d164468413 SUMMARY:Splendour Rock Bushwalking Practice 3 day DTSTAMP:20191004T220000Z DTSTART:20191004T220000Z DTEND:20191007T070000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for a walk on the wild side. Practice essential skills for multi day hikes. Targeted to Scouts preparing for blue and green cord hikes. Based in Blue Mountains National Park - Narrowneck Plateau\, Wild Dog Mountains\, Coxs River & Megalong Valley. Learn about indigenous culture and European settlers of Megalong Valley. Steep ascents/descents. Approx 35 km. Participants will be accompanied by an adventurous activity guide or instructor. For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Katoomba Station\, Goldsmith Place\, Katoomba END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR