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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4800febe36307318cb1306e697343276 SUMMARY:Benowie - Future Ready: Inspiring Leaders to Think and Look Wide 2025 (A course for Sydney North Venturers) DTSTAMP:20250314T210000Z DTSTART:20250314T210000Z DTEND:20250315T060000Z DESCRIPTION:(This course\, including online work and the in-person session\, is equivalent to a two-day course.)\n\nLooking to level up your leadership skills? Future Ready: Inspiring Leaders to Think and Look Wide is a hands-on\, immersive leadership course designed for Venturers. This one-day experience challenges young leaders to develop trust\, teamwork\, resilience\, and vision while starting to work towards the Certificate II in Active Volunteering. Inspired by Dr Ken Dovey’s leadership principles and Simon Sinek’s Start with Why\, this course is perfect for Venturers working towards Milestone 3 and their Peak Award. Through engaging activities\, real-world scenarios\, and structured reflection\, you’ll walk away with the confidence and skills to lead with purpose and impact. Ready to lead? Sign up today! For more info\, go to: https://events.nsw.scouts.com.au/event/2304 LOCATION:Middle Harbour Scout Hall\, 2D Carlyle Road LINDFIELD NSW 2070 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR