Monthly Rockcraft Skills workshop – open to anyone who has attended a TP/AG (Level 2) course. Current Qual not required. a great way to build your skills towards guide (or your OAS levels). Rescue workshops are also one of the ways you can demonstrate your rescue currency which is required for all guides, and especially if you are going through requal. If you are a current guide this is also a good way to stop your rescue skills getting rusty.
Please RSVP to the FB Event if possible.
Bring a head torch.
All at Lindfield Rocks. Remember that this is a great way to build your skills towards guide (or your OAS levels). Rescue workshops are also one of the ways you can demonstrate your rescue currency which is required for all guides, and especially if you are going through requal. If you are a current guide this is also a good way to stop your rescue skills getting rusty.
Please let me know if you have any topics you specifically want to cover.
If you need abseil gear please let me know at least 24 hours before.
Note I (Harry) am away for this one - It will be run by Shane & Roland.