South Met Region Joey Campfire 2024

Event Details
Sat 17th Aug 2024 (5.30pm to 7.30pm)
Heathcote Scout Camp
Freemans Rd Heathcote
Google Map
Youth - $5.00
Parent - $2.00
Leader - Free
Rover - Free
Open: Mon 8th Jul 2024 (9am)
Close: Fri 16th Aug 2024 (9am)
South Metropolitan Region
Brief Summary:
A traditional campfire for Joey Scouts units in the South Metropolitan Region.
Additional Information

The South-Met Region Joey Campfire is an opportunity for Joeys to come together and share a night of singing and fun within their Scouting community.

Every Joey must be accompanied by a parent/carer. We request only one parent attend with each Joey, and that non-Joey siblings do not attend. This ensures as many Joeys as possible are able to participate. Of course if you have absolutely no option but to bring a sibling, you may. Please ensure they are registered, and the $5 Joey fee is also paid for them.

All participants must be registered on Scout Event to attend. Price is:
* $5.00 per youth
* $2.00 per parent
* FREE for Leaders

Please eat dinner beforehand. To avoid a price increase we will not be providing a snack this year. However you are encouraged to bring one with you to enjoy during the event.

WEAR: Full Joey Uniform

* warm clothing as we will be sitting outside
* something to sit on e.g. picnic rug or cushion, as we will be sitting on natural steps
* headtorch
* water bottle
* snacks
* wet weather gear if it seems needed

Each Joey unit will be asked to share a song or skit on the night. Details will be emailed to all groups and a request made to specify a song or skit. Please practice your item ahead of the event. We can't wait to see you perform!

Park on Freemans Road and enter through the main gate. Markers will be posted to guide you to check-in.

In the case of inclement weather, we will make a decision on the Friday evening prior. This will be emailed to all leaders and a general post made on the South Metropolitan Region Scouts Facebook page

E-Permission Active What is this?
Registrations Closed