This course is designed for Cub Scouts who show leadership potential and who are currently a Sixer (PL) or Second (APL) or may be considered for these roles in the future.
Cubs will need to be aged over 10 years and under 11 years of age to attend, and must be invited by their Cub Leader as being a suitable participant.
Participants will need to have completed the following pre-work (available through your Cub Leader) and will need to bring it along with them to course:
1) Getting to know your Six (Patrol) worksheet
2) Promise and Law Challenge card
Cubs are to wear their full Scout uniform, including comfortable shoes (such as joggers). Cubs will be doing both indoor and outdoor activities during the day and as such will need to bring a wide brimmed hat, water/drink bottle, and suitable clothing depending on the weather (such as windcheater or rain coat).
Cubs are requested to bring along a small back pack to keep their belongings together.