Creative Camp is an exciting and dynamic experience for South Met Scouts, supported by Venturers, Rovers and Leaders, where youth will dive into a world of creativity. This camp offers a chance to explore a range of creative challenge areas and the Special Interest Areas (SIAs) of Arts & Literature and STEM & Innovation. Activities may include drama, dance, sculpturing, painting, craft, and sewing, providing the perfect environment for Scouts to unleash their imagination and discover new talents.
Program Achievements
Under 18s (Scouts & Venturers)
Over 18s (18-year-old Venturers, Rovers & Leaders)
All participants and leaders will stay in gender-specific and age-specific, dormitory-style bunk rooms. Sleeping areas are supervised till late in the evening and from the early hours of the morning. There are leaders close by overnight to manage any emergencies.
What to Bring – Packing List
Participants must bring the compulsory items on the Creative Camp packing list. An updated packing list will be sent out a week before the event. If they do not bring the essential items, phone calls will be made to their parent/guardian, asking them to bring the missing items. All attendees must bring two changes of clothes to the event.
Please note that we will not take responsibility for broken or lost items. If a youth member brings a device (e.g. phone), it is their responsibility; we do not take responsibility for it if it is lost or damaged. If the youth member is found on the phone or device, the phone will be confiscated and returned to the Scout at the end of the event.
Feeling Safe at Creative Camp
Everyone in Scouts, youth and adults alike have the right to feel safe and be protected from abuse. No one is allowed to threaten you, hurt you or touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or afraid.
A Scout is respectful, and this applies to all interactions between all participants, youth and adults, at Creative camp.
You do not have to deal with abuse on your own. If you feel unsafe, threatened or you see/hear something that causes you concern, please speak to a Leader or Rover on an activity. Your concerns will be taken seriously. The information you provide will be shared with people who can support and protect you.
If you do not know what to do - talk to someone at Creative Camp Team!
If, for any reason, you do not feel the concerns of this nature that you raised at Creative Camp have been satisfactorily dealt with, please report your concerns directly to the Child Protection Team at the NSW State Office on 02 9735 9060 or via or your parents.
Payment & Refunds
All applications, payments and e-permissions must be received by the Creative Camp admin team before the closing date. Any application not finalised before the closing date will be cancelled and the spot will be given to the next person on the waitlist. Refunds for people who withdraw before the application close date will incur a $5.00. Refunds for people who withdraw from the event after the closing date but before 10 am, 23 February 2025 will attract a $20 administration fee to cover costs incurred. Any withdrawal requests after 10 am on 23 February 2025 will result in no refund unless there are documented exceptional circumstances. If a youth member is sent home from the camp for any reason, no refund will be given.
General Health
If you are unwell or are showing symptoms of a viral disease, we ask that you stay home, self-isolate and look after yourselves.
Event Cancellation
The camp will go ahead, rain, hail or shine, so please prepare for all weather and bring a rain jacket. If Creative Camp is not able to proceed, we will look for other avenues to deliver this event.
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