The Joey Adventure Quest is an annual Joey Scout Adventure Day, Joeys are grouped in a Patrol, mostly with their friends from their Scout Group. They then will go on an adventure travelling to each base, each base has been designed around the Special Interest Areas.
This event is open to all Joey Scouts in the Greater Western Sydney Region.
Particpant Fee $25
We are accepting Volunteers from all Sections (Youth & Adult Members), Parent Helpers.
There is no charge for Volunteers, but note that all volunteers MUST attend an Online Meeting to be held prior to the event. This meeting will explain how the event will operate.
Please register and select your preferred role, we require a second preference because not all bases are confirmed yet.
Note that Volunteers are expected to help run this event, Due to the size of the venue and the number of expected participants, we do not have the capacity for spectators.
Start Time for Event Volunteers is 8am
All Participants and Volunteers must be members.
All members must remain financial and registered within ScoutHub from the time applications close until the end of the event.
Back pack
Morning Tea & Lunch.
Water Bottle
Casual Clothing
Fully enclosed sturdy footwear.
Once you have submitted your registration, an invoice (summary sheet) will be generated with instructions on how to pay for this event. The following payment options will be available to you:
Credit/Debit Card and EFT