This canoe skills course will be run over 2 separate days, but not camping overnight. Attendance at both days is required. Saturday will cover paddling skills, recovery from capsize as well as safety and planning aspects (first aid, weather, navigation, knotting). Sunday will be a day paddle up the Hacking River to further develop paddling skills and also will cover canoe journey equipment and packing. You'll need to pack gear so it stays dry for this day. It is important to attend both days to develop sufficient skills and knowledge. Both Saturday and Sunday will commence at 9am and finish at 4:00pm.
You will require:
This activity is suitable for scouts and older. Youth members should be able to complete Stage 3 paddling badge or components of higher stages. Venturers, Rovers & Leaders can use skills demonstrated towards Safe or Trained Participant qualifications. Advise activity leaders if you want this.
A limited number of region canoes are available. Contact activity coordinator if required. $15 hire fee per canoe applies. Glenn Austin 0417 272 978