Water Bugs Morning Activity Day

Event Details
Sun 16th Mar 2025 (9.30am to 11.45am)
1st Collaroy Plateau Scout Hall
Goodwin Street, Narrabeen NSW 2101
Google Map
Participant - Joey, Cub and Scout - $10.00
Leader and Adult Helper - Free
Open: Mon 3rd Feb 2025 (9am)
Close: Fri 7th Mar 2025 (8pm)
Maximum 40 people
Sydney North Region
Brief Summary:
This is a morning activity, based on the natural environment. The Joey, Cub Scouts and Scouts will be learning about the water environment of Narrabeen Lagoon through Bug Watch by catching waterbugs and collecting data on the animals in the lagoon.
Additional Information

Please wear shorts and tee shirt and your Group scarf.

Joeys & Cub Scouts must bring a small backpack, your own food for the day, water bottle, hat, sunscreen, roll on insect repellant, raincoat, jumper and shoes that can get wet. They will be entering the water to complete the Bug Watch so need to be able to swim.

The total number of Joeys & Cub Scouts allowed to attend on this day is 40. There must be at least one Leader per Unit.

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Registrations Closed