South Metropolitan Region Joey Water Fun Day

Event Details
Sun 23rd Mar 2025 (9.30am to 3pm)
Prince Edward Park
Prince Edward Park, 118 Prince Edward Park Rd, Woronora NSW 2232, Australia
Google Map
Joeys - $10.00
Leader - $5.00
Parent (no Badge / no boating) - $2.50
Current member sibling (no badge / no boating) - $2.50
Region Activity Team - Free
Open: Mon 3rd Feb 2025 (12am)
Close: Sun 16th Mar 2025 (11.59pm)
Maximum 200 people
South Metropolitan Region
Brief Summary:
Get ready for an exciting day of adventure, teamwork, and fun at the South Metropolitan Region Joey Water Fun Day! This region event is a fantastic opportunity for Joey Scouts to participate in a wide variety of water-themed activities as they come together with other Joey units across the region. The day is all about exploring the fun of being on and around the water. Joeys will have the opportunity to try canoeing, fishing, and go for a bushwalk with an intro to Geocaching. They will be able to learn essential first-aid skills for water-related accidents plus more. We are thrilled to have the support of NSW Waterways and Fisheries, who will join us to run some fun and engaging activities. This event promises to be a splash of fun and unforgettable memories!
Additional Information

The South Metropolitan Region Joey Water Fun Day is a fun and inclusive event supported by Rovers and leaders, where Joey Scouts will have the opportunity to work towards their Outdoor Adventure Skills. It’s a chance for them to explore their personal and outdoor challenge areas.

The Joey Water Fun Day will be structured as an activity-based round-robin, where the main activities—canoeing, fishing, and bushwalking—will run for an hour each. The other fun activity bases will run for half an hour.

Units Bump in from 8.00 am

Arrive by 9.30 am to check in at the registration table.

Opening Parade 9.45 am

Activities will start at 10.00 am

Each Joey unit will need to preregister their participants for canoeing, fishing, and bushwalking activities. The booking link will be available after your unit registers and at the March Wandarrah meeting. Please note, that each activity will be limited to 20 youth members per one-hour session, so be sure to secure your spots early!

What to wear and bring

  • All registered participants should arrive and depart in full Scout uniform.
  • Bring a pair of water shoes (No crocs) for canoeing activities,
  • Don’t forget a rash shirt, a wide-brim hat, shorts and sunblock.
  • Bring a comfortable pair of walking shoes for bushwalking.
  • Don’t forget to pack a towel you will get wet during some activities
  • Joeys and their families are encouraged to bring a picnic lunch and don't forget to pack your water bottles! Please note that there are limited shops available for purchasing food, so be sure to come prepared.
  • Everything should be packed in a small backpack and please label all items.


This event is only open to the South Metropolitan Region Joeys, Rovers, and Leaders.

All participants including parent helpers must be registered and valid members of Scouts NSW at the time of application and through until the 24th March 2025.


All applications, payments, and e-permissions must be received before the closing date.  Any application not finalised before the closing date will be cancelled.


General Health

If you are unwell or are showing symptoms of a viral disease, we ask that you stay home, self-isolate and look after yourselves. 


Event Cancellation

If the activity cannot proceed due to weather conditions, leaders will be notified via Teams, and unit leaders will then inform the participants.


Feeling Safe at Joey Water Fun Day

Everyone in Scouts, youth and adults alike have the right to feel safe and be protected from abuse. No one is allowed to threaten you, hurt you or touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or afraid.


A Scout is respectful, and this applies to all interactions between all participants, youth and adults, at Joey Water Fun Day.


You do not have to deal with abuse on your own. If you feel unsafe, threatened or you see/hear something that causes you concern, please speak to a Leader or Rover on an activity. Your concerns will be taken seriously. The information you provide will be shared with people who can support and protect you.

If you do not know what to do - talk to someone at Joey Water Fun Day Team!


If, for any reason, you do not feel the concerns of this nature that you raised at Joey Water Fun Day have been satisfactorily dealt with, please report your concerns directly to the Child Protection Team at the NSW State Office on 02 9735 9060 or via or your parents.


Payment & Refunds
Refunds for people who withdraw before the application close date will incur a $2.50 fee. Any refund requests after the closing date will result in no refund unless there are documented exceptional circumstances (minus the $2.50 fee).  If a youth member is sent home from the event for any reason, no refund will be given.


Got Questions??

Please reach out to Dee Walkerden at

E-Permission Active What is this?
Registrations Open
Payment Options
This event is administered by:
South Metropolitan Region

Once you have submitted your registration, an invoice (summary sheet) will be generated with instructions on how to pay for this event. The following payment options will be available to you:

Credit/Debit Card