Parents, please note: On this camp, the youth members will not be sleeping in tents. They will be sleeping in the emergency shelter they build as part of the Safety and Survival test. They will need to have their own sleeping bags or blankets to use for the night. If you do not wish for your child to sleep overnight without a tent, please don’t send them. There will be backup sleeping arrangements in place if the weather turns bad during the camp.
Bushcraft Survival Skills
Cubs, Scouts, and Venturers
Sunday, March 16th, 23:00
As part of the Bushcraft Survival Skills camp, all youth members must cook a meal using the fire they have made with char cloth and a flint and steel. (Their Saturday lunch must be food suitable for an overnight hike—not a sandwich.)
Parents, please do not send your child to the Bushcraft Survival Skills Weekend if they are unwell or showing symptoms of COVID-19. We ask that you stay home if feeling unwell.
Once you have submitted your registration, an invoice (summary sheet) will be generated with instructions on how to pay for this event. The following payment options will be available to you:
Credit/Debit Card