Regular trains to Wentworth Falls from Sydney. Car parking available at Wentworth Falls Station.
Carry minimum overnight gear. Leave town approx. 8 pm on Friday evening. Arrival at site estimated after midnight. Set up camp and sleep. Wake up and cook breakfast. Saturday afternoon pick up Corner of Tablelands Road and Queen Elizabeth Drive after 2 pm or Wentworth Falls Station after 4 pm. Bring some money for afternoon tea.
Camping at Ingar campground. Toilets available. Bush toileting and hygiene during hike. Carparking close by. Walk mostly firetrail. Steady decent from Wentworth Falls to Ingar, steady ascent from Ingar to Wentworth Falls. Scouts are encouraged to cook breakfast on fuel stoves.
Remember to eat dinner before, buy dinner in Wentworth Falls or bring something easy. Scouts can be picked up early on Saturday if they have family or sporting commitments. An opportunity for youth members who are adjusting to carrying a loaded pack. Minimal costs involved self catering breakfast and spending money for afternoon tea.