Tiger Snake Canyon

Event Details
Sun 25th Aug 2019 (8am to 5pm)
Zig Zag Railway Station
Chifley Road, Clarence
Google Map
Participant (Scout, Venture, Leaders) - $30.00
Helper - Free
Open: Tue 28th May 2019 (10.22pm)
Close: Fri 9th Aug 2019 (4pm)
Maximum 8 people
Brief Summary:
This activity is a vertical canyon adventure through Penrose Gulley & Tiger Snake Canyon involving approx 8 abseils up to 17m in height, many of which have tricky starts. There is also a significant amount of rock scrambling.The canyon does not involve any swims or deep wades, however you may get your knees wet. All participants must have current Level 1 Abseiling accreditation and be sufficiently fit to complete a moderately strenuous bushwalk. You must submit your Canyon and abseiling log (and send a email copy to the Activity Leader)
Additional Information

A full description of the canyon can be found at the following link: http://ozultimate.com/canyoning/track_notes/tiger_snake.htm


Canyoning Equipment

All participants must bring with them a day pack containing:

2 litres water

Lunch and snacks.


Sturdy non-slip shoes (Dunlop Volleys "preferred")

Thermal Underwear

Sun Hat & Sunscreen

Small first aid kit

Spare change of shoes and socks and clothes (to be left in the car for the trip home)

Jumper or fleece

Dry Bag or 3 strong plastic bag for waterproofing clothes and food)


Helmets, harnesses and other equipment will be provided for all participants, however you are encouraged to bring your own gear.

 Transport / Logistics.

Meet at the Zig Zag Railway Carpark at 8:00am.

(Leaders please complete local leaving and return times as appropriate to your local transport arrangements)

E-Permission Active What is this?
Registrations Closed

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