Region Environment Camp

Event Details
Sat 9th Sep 2017 (8.30am) to Sun 10th Sep 2017 (4.30pm)
Bundilla Scout Camp
6 Baden Powell Place, Winston Hills NSW 2153
Google Map
Venturer - $60.00
Open: Fri 21st Apr 2017 (12am)
Close: Fri 25th Aug 2017 (4pm)
Maximum 23 people
Brief Summary:
This activity will cover the practical requirements for the Venturer level Environment Award.
Additional Information

GWS Venturers will conducting an Environment Camp to assist Venturer Scouts with the requirements of the Venturer Award Level Environment Badge. This course is limited to 12 places which will be filled on a first come first serve basis.

Venturer Scouts must have their Venturing Skills Award and have submitted a V1 form through their Unit Council to be eligible for this course.

Venturers will undertake a range of projects within the local environs of Bundilla Scout Camp and Toongabbie Creek. These projects will include but not limited to:

- Developing a Recycling System for Bundilla

- Monitoring Water Quality

- Weeding and Restoring Native Habitats

- Native Garden Restoration around Bundilla.

Venturers may be required to travel offsite to the local hardware store for supplies.

Venturers will be camping overnight and will need to provide their own tents and sleeping gear. Uniform is required for opening and closing parade. Venturers should bring old clothes, study shoes, hat, sunscreen, garden gloves and a water bottle. Garden secateurs, rakes and hoes will also be welcome but not mandatory. During the weekend, a comprehensive report will be compiled by the attendees. A USB thumbdrive or laptop will assist in completion of the reports. Food will be provided by the camp and Venturers will be required to assist in the preparation and cleanup duties.

While leaders will be present at the camp (Male and Female leaders are still to be confirmed), it is possible that Venturers working in small groups around the area may not be under direct adult supervision at all times.

The cost of the camp includes

- Materials used in the projects

- Food for the weekend

- Camping Fees

- Administration Fees

Event Documents
Registrations Closed

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