John Moyle Field Day - Scout Amateur Radio Activity

Event Details
Fri 17th Mar 2023 (6pm) to Sun 19th Mar 2023 (3.01pm)
Cataract Scout Park
Baden Powell Drive, Appin
Google Map
Scout/Venturer/Leader - Weekend - $38.00
Scout/Venturer/Leader - Day Visitor - $20.00
Open: Sat 4th Feb 2023 (7am)
Close: Sun 12th Mar 2023 (11.59pm)
Brief Summary:
Scouts participating in Amateur (Ham) Radio competition "John Moyle Field Day". Camping at Cataract Scout Park. Open to any Scouts/Venturers/Leaders with current Amateur Radio license or anyone interested in the hobby.
Additional Information

The John Moyle Field Day (part of Amateur Radio) is a competition weekend where radio operators, in remote locations (away from their homes/halls), try to make as many radio contacts as possible over a 24 hour period. There are usually other groups of scouts participating in the contest. 

If you are recently licensed this weekend presents a good opportunity to get some on-air practice to build confidence in using the radio and talking to other operators across the country and internationally.

The other aspect of the weekend is social. Getting to know each other and to brainstorm Radio Scouting program ideas for 2023.

Camping & Catering

The activity will take place at Cataract Scout Park. Camping is in tents and you will need to bring your own camping equipment. Catering will be provided for the weekend at an additional cost. Closer to the event we will confirm menu and catering cost.

Who can come

The camp is open to any licensed (or has an interest in gaining a license) Scout/Venturer/Rover/Leader. All participants for the weekend must be registered members of Scouts NSW. Cubs will be considered if they hold a license and are accompanied by a leader/parent.

Payment & Refund Policy

All applications with a status of Submitted, Received or Accepted as of the closing date are considered as attending and must be paid for.  No refunds will be offered for withdrawn applications after the closing date unless there are exceptional circumstances that will be considered by the event organiser.

Event Cancellation Policy

While we are confident that we can and will deliver JMFD, we are subject to the restrictions placed on us by outside influences. In the event of having to cancel the camp, we will refund all payments to participants, except for a $5 administration fee to cover costs incurred in planning the event.

Feeling Safe at JMFD 2023

Everyone in Scouts, youth and adults alike have the right to feel safe and be protected from abuse. No-one is allowed to threaten you, hurt you, or touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or afraid.

A Scout is respectful, and this applies to all interactions between all participants, youth and adults at JMFD Camp.

You do not have to deal with abuse on your own. If you feel unsafe, threatened, or you see/hear something that causes you concern, please speak to a Leader or Rover on an activity. Your concerns will be taken seriously. The information you provide will be shared with people who can support and protect you.

If, for any reason, you do not feel the concerns of this nature which you raised at the JMFD camp have been satisfactorily dealt with, please report your concerns directly to the Child Protection Team at the NSW State Office on 02 9735 9000 or via or your parents.

COVID-19 Considerations

Please do not attend JMFD Camp:

If you are unwell, or are showing symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you stay home, self-isolate and get tested. For more information on COVID-19 and testing, please visit Our refund policy allows that any person who stays home and provides medical evidence (Including a COVID-19 test) will receive a refund for this event

E-Permission Active What is this?
Registrations Closed

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